Thursday, August 22, 2019

Jr. High Teams

Thank you again, for coming to tryout for the Jr. High League. We hope you enjoyed playing volleyball. IF you do not make one of the Jr. High teams, please continue to play volleyball and come back again next year.

These are tentative teams. Some players may be moved around to different teams after the first week of practice. Coaches will be reaching out to you soon.

Congratulations to the following players:

Team Black- Stephani Briggs
Natalie Thurgood
MaddyLynn Shumway
Brynn Lunt
Ruthie Bevan
Myriam Danielson
Kiara Doucette
Ashlyn Gunnell
Ella Boren
Charlotte Clark
Devri Pearson
Bronte Clark
Eva Payne

Team Purple- Jenessa Robison
Kaylee Koka
Jessi Whitelock
Libby Cline 
Jorja White
Natalie Gneiting
Lucy Richards
Josie Kelsch
Cassidy Heilsel
Grace Shelley
Ashley Davis
Ava Pezely
Brooklyn Steele
Team Silver- Lora Hill
Mollee Fraizer
Morgan Burnette
Emery Hansen
Raven Rodriguez
Haylee Carlson
Talisa Rogers
Kennadi Christensen
Dawslyn Kosbruk
Karsan Butterfield
Anna Hoggard
Aislynn Maughan
Halie Hatch

Team White- Kathy Davis
Kayci Wells 
Sofia Gonzalez
Hayley Whittaker
Alexis Weaver
Chloe Garvin
Ava Catron
Ellie Wallace
Eden Hall
Giana Pereya
Kate Madson


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