Thursday, August 23, 2018

Jr. High Teams

Team Black  -Sasha 801-232-8004
Rachel Hogan
Rachel Bischoff
McCall Browning
Rhylee Tatton
Hailey D'Orlando
Kate Kirkham
Rylee Parkinson
Kaieva Johnson
Team Purple- Lora 208-206-0845
Gabbi Simkins
Alyssa Locher
Brynn Lunt
Addy Sabin
Brooklyn McCay
Sarah Stout
Charlotte Clark
Brooklyn Stevens
Janessa Brown
Team Silver- Kathy 801-509-8129
Kiara Cox
Natalie Gneiting
Kiara Doucette
Alyssa Brown
Eva Payne
Natalie Thurgood
Shelcy Golesis
Kelsey Arveseth
Team White- Megan 801-918-6915
Kaylee Koka
Emily Kidd
Ellie Ferguson
Lucy Richins
Karsan Butterfield
Ruthie Bevan
Morgan Burnett
Aysia King
Mary Wandell

Please check Jr. High League tab for practice days and times. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018 Please see link in comment below to download file.

Jr High Tryout Info

Hello all,

We are so sorry for the delay of information with the Jr. High Tryouts! Tryouts for the Jr. High League which is for grades 6th-9th will be held THIS THURSDAY 08/23/18 from 6-8pm. Registration will begin at 5:30pm. Attached is a form that needs to be filled out prior to tryouts. No money will be due until after tryouts and teams have been made. Please help us spread the word and if you have any questions please email us at! We hope to see you all there and are excited for the upcoming season!

Thank you for your patience

RHS Coaching Staff

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

RHS Volleyball Team 2018-19 Season

Congratulations to the 2018-19 Riverton High School Women's Volleyball Team!

If your name appears below, please arrive to the parent/athlete meeting tonight at 6:00pm in the Media Center @RHS. Players and parents please bring your ID's as you will need to sign a paper and have them notarized. We will provide a notary at the meeting. We are very excited about this upcoming season and hope you are too! We are grateful for all of those who tried out.

Please welcome your 2018-19 Riverton High School Volleyball Team


Greenwood, Madi                    
Hansen, Natalie 

Stauffer, Adee
Averett, Natalie
Hovatter, Hunter
Lutui, T
Anderson, Ashley
Smith, Rachel
Bown, Allie
Cook, Morgen
Roberts, Hanna
Christensen, Ashley
Garn, Alayna
Jacobson, Haylie
Tafisi, Noa
Hansen, Ashley
Averett, Brianna
McDougal, Abigail
Holt, Paige
Brown, Makenna
Freeman, Sydney
Palmer, Jane
Thurgood, Abby
Young, Hailey
Graci Gonzalez
Seumanutusa, Ifo
Sorensen, Kate
Thurgood, Allison
Chidester, Erynn
Eaton, Taylor
Munoz, Izabella
 Maruji, Sadie

Saturday, July 28, 2018



Tryouts are almost here! They will be held August 6th-8th. There will be two sessions per day. Morning session will be 8am-11am. Afternoon session will be 1pm-3pm. 

CHECK IN and Registration for tryouts begin at 7:30am on Monday, August 6th.
If you are planning to tryout for the high school team, the following items need to be completed prior tryouts.

1. We need ALL athletes planning to tryout to register on Attached is a "how to" for parents.

2. Hard copy of 4th quarter report card. You can print one off of Skyward. We are looking at grades, not cumulative GPA.

3. Let Coach Rowan know if you are attending a Charter/private school, home school or are a transfer student. All students must be cleared for eligibility.

4. Physicals
RPT has 2 days scheduled to get physicals done. Sign up on Training room door. The cost is $25. Make check payable to RPT.  Parents sign form before players come. Physicals are done in the training room.
   Thursday, August 2nd at 6:00pm
   ***Thursday, August 9th at 5pm (for players that make the team but have not yet had physicals done)

If you are not able to make either of those times, you will need to get one done by your family doctor.
***side note, Team "Retreat" bonding will be the whole day August 9th, so if you need to get a physical done, you will need to leave the retreat and come back. More information to come on the retreat. Sophomore team does not attend retreat and will be able to go for physicals that day if needed.

Parent/Athlete meeting will be held August 8th @6pm at Riverton High School. Room TBD.

We look forward to seeing you at tryouts!

RHS Coaching staff

P.s. Date changes for schedule. Organized team retreat will not be overnight. JV/Soph tournament is moving from August 25th and 26th to Sept. 14th and 15th, and game vs. West Jordan is moving from Sept. 13th to Sept. 11th.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

UVU Team Camp

Games will begin at 9:00am Monday morning. ALL 3 teams need to arrive by 8:15am. Riverton 1 & 2 will be playing at the UUCU and Riverton 3 will play at the RL Arena. Please wear black T-shirts for Monday, preferably with a Riverton logo on it. We will bring extra black T-shirts for those that do not have one. We will decide what we will wear for the rest of the week on Monday. At this time, we do not have pink T-shirts. Please start planning to find a pink T-shirt to wear on Thursday, July 12th for the Dig Pink games. If we are able to obtain pink T-shirts before then, we will let you know. Reimbursement for dye for Tie dyed shirts has not yet been approved. We may need to schedule a day during camp to make them. This camp is not an overnight camp. Players will need to have a ride down and back each day. Food is also not provided. Please make sure your daughters have plenty of healthy food and snacks for the day. It is not known at this time whether parents will be able to watch on Thursday or Friday. Once we find out, we will let you know. A schedule will be attached to an email that will be sent out as soon as Moratorium ends. Thank you!

Riverton 1                                  Riverton 2                              Riverton 3

Allie Bown                               Makenna Brown                  Hannah Cozzens
Hunter Hovatter                        Erynn Chidester                  Hailey D'Orlando
T Lutui                                      Morgen Cook                  Graci Gonzalez
Rachel Smith                             Paige Holt                          Sadie Maruji
Brynlee Williams                      Anna McCay                  Hailey Young
Ashley Anderson                       Ireland McNees                  Natalie Bennion
Haylie Jacobson                        Jena Brown                          Rachel Bischoff
Taivea Latu                               Taylor Eaton                  Lilly Allen
Ashley Hansen                          Natalie Averett                  Allison Thurgood
Brianna Averett                         Natalie Hansen                  Abby Thurgood
Madi Greenwood                                                                     Ellie Nokes
Ashley Christensen                                                                  Ifo Seumanutusa

Riverton 1&2

Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4 Pool 5 Pool 6
Ct. 1 Ct. 2 Ct. 3 Ct. 4 Ct. 5 Ct. 6
1 Bing 1 Morgan Herriman Kelly Walsh Durango Juan Diego
2 San Juan Westlake Cottonwood Riverton 1 Tooele 1 Stansbury
3 Orem Richfield 1 Springville N Sevier MV,WY Bing 2
4 Bonn, UT 2 Timpano Choteau Richfield 2 Bonn,UT 1 Riverton 2

TIME Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
8:30 Coaches  Meeting For  AM Pools
9:00 1v3 1v3 1v3 1v3 1v3 1v3
9:45 2v4 2v4 2v4 2v4 2v4 2v4
10:30 1v4 1v4 1v4 1v4 1v4 1v4
11:15 2v3 2v3 2v3 2v3 2v3 2v3
12:00 3v4 3v4 3v4 3v4 3v4 3v4
12:45 1v2 1v2 1v2 1v2 1v2 1v2
1:30 p1/1vp2/1 p2/2vp1/3 p3/1vp4/1 p4/2vp3/3 p5/1vp6/1 p6/2vp5/3
2:15 p1/2vp2/3 p2/4vp1/4 p3/2vp4/3 p4/4vp3/4 p5/2vp6/3 p6/4vp5/4


Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool 3 Pool 4
Ct. 7 Ct. 8 Ct. 9 Ct. 10
Seed UCCU UCCU RL Arena RL Arena
1 Bingham Herriman Juan Diego Kelly Walsh
2 MV,UT Morgan 1 Morgan 2 Stansbury
3 MV,WY 2 Choteau 2 MV,WY 1 Choteau 1
4 N Sevier San Juan Riverton Orem

Pool 1 Pool 2  Pool 3 Pool 4
TIME Schedule Schedule Schedule Schedule
8:30 AM Pools Coaches  Meeting
9:00 1v3 1v3 1v3 1v3
9:45 2v4 2v4 2v4 2v4
10:30 1v4 1v4 1v4 1v4
11:15 2v3 2v3 2v3 2v3
12:00 3v4 3v4 3v4 3v4
12:45 1v2 1v2 1v2 1v2
1:30 p1/1vp2/2  p2/3vp1/4 p3/1vp4/2 p4/3vp3/4 
2:15 p1/2vp2/1 p2/4vp1/3 p3/2vp4/1 p4/4vp3/3

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Registration forms For RHS SKILLS camp/ Summer Clinics/ UVU Team Camp

Monday, April 30, 2018

Here is the survey that was given out at the parent/athlete meeting

Athlete name: ____________________________

Current grade: _________

Parent Email: ____________________________
Help us get an idea of how many athletes to plan for. Which events are you likely to attend?

May Open Gyms

Summer Clinics

Camp at RHS

Camp with Copper Hills

UVU Team Camp

  If yes…parent drop off?          

Overnight travel/activity
